Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thoughts & Notes (3/25/10 - 3/30/10)

March 25 & March 26
  • Back to cousin Tom and Nancy’s home for a couple of down days; I was feeling bad. Nancy knew how to make me feel better, however, she gave me fresh boiled peanuts. Loved them, but I don't think Richard cared much for them.
March 27

  • Back on the trail at Dicks Creek (beautiful day). Made it to Blye Gap (40 to 50 ft into NC). One state down 13 to go.
  • Hiked 8.9 miles
March 28

  • Woke up to rain.
  • Broke camp--naturally everything got wet.
  • Hiked in driving rain all day to Standing Indian Shelter. Set up in rain--nothing dried out.  Rain turns to hail (on a thin walled tent).
  • Hiked 7.8 miles
March 29
  • Still overcast; hiked in rain gear all day.
  • Came upon a beautiful view--camera battery dies, not about to dig through pack for new ones.
  • Stopped at Betty Creek Gap.
  • Met 2 father son teams, think it was the sons’ 1st long hike.
  • Covered 11.2 miles
March 30

  • Broke camp in beautiful weather.
  • 1 hour later came upon a TrailGate party hosted by Fishing Eddy.  Some yummy pancakes, eggs, and soda.  (And I don't really care for pancakes, but they sure hit the spot)
  • 1 mile later climbed an extremely steep mtn. Albert Mountain. Views were worth it.  (Probably good thing I had those pancake carbs)
  • Passed the 100-mile mark.
  • Made it to Rock Gap.  Shuttle picked us up and took us into Franklin NC where we are spending the night.
  • Hiked 8.5 miles

1 comment:

  1. North Carolina!! Woo Hoo! I NEED to go there one of these days!

    So proud of you Jerry! Thank you for the pictures/your updates/and your humor!
