Monday, August 16, 2010

Daily Diaries (8/09/10 - 8/15/10)

Hiker's Note:  since it's taking centuries to upload the many photos I've taken along my hike, I'll stick mostly to written diaries for the time being.  I plan to add more photos later because I want to share what I'm seeing!

Date:   8/09/10
Trail Section:   Tangard Gap - Hot Springs, NC
Distance:   5.9 Miles

This was an easy hike.

The hike starts where, at one time, there was a farm. The forest has been allowed to recapture the land; however, there are still several large apple trees in the area, a small pond and an old dam. The apple trees are loaded with apples; but they are not ripe, so no apples. At the pond, bat houses have been erected.  The construction of these houses is interesting in that the bats have to enter by crawling up the inside from the bottom, instead of entering through a hole in the side.

From the pond area we begin to drop off the top by a lovers leap and with views of the French Broad River. This river runs through Hot Springs and is a favorite rafting site for people in the area.

French Broad River at Lover's Leap

This hike was very humid.  Even though it was an easy hike, our clothes were saturated.

Date:   8/10/10
Trail Section:   Alan Gap - Tangard Gap
Distance:   8.8 Miles

This is a nice hike through the green tunnel of vegetation. On this hike we were able to hike up a fire tower at the top of Rich Mountain. The humidity was so great that even though we could see vistas they were not clear due to the haze. By this time we were drenched from our sweat, so we took off our shirts so that they could dry some while on the tower, this did not work.  Even though we did not have vistas, there were plenty of flowers, mushrooms and birds.

Slack packing is so much better than hiking with a full backpack!

The Trail

Date:   8/11/10
Trail Section:   Sam's Gap - Devil's Fork Gap
Distance:   8.5 Miles
Richard and I are sort of bouncing around on the trail.  This is due to the way we are hiking (slack packing), the weather conditions, and the fact that my cousin Tom, and a friend from NC Ted, will be joining us this weekend.  However, when we are finished for this year, we will have hiked the entire segment between Green Road, TN and Damascus, VA.
This portion of the hike was through what had mostly been farms. During this hike we ran into a couple of men with the National Forest Department.  They were removing non-indigenous growth that is continuing to grow in the area.
We start the hike through some very high grasses and follow an old fence for a great deal of the hike. Early in the hike we were on a ridge where there was a breeze, which made the hike comfortable.  We then dropped off the ridge, and the air became very still and humid (uncomfortable).

Near the end of the hike at about mile 6 or 7 we came across 2 graves. One of a woman born in 1865.  She died 3 days short of being 100 years old. The other, a man who died at 90.  He was born in 1877. Don’t know their relationship even though they were buried side by side. To think that they lived as long as they did without the benefit of modern medicine. Think maybe hard work and natural foods helped genetics?

It was another hot and humid day, but a great day for hiking.
Date:   8/13/10
Trail Section:   Lemon Gap - Garenflo Gap
Distance:   7.8 Miles
Great hike with gentle uphill climbs and gradual downhills. On this hike, we met a group of college freshmen from Davidson College.  The hike is are part of their freshmen orientation. While following the group I have 6 close encounters of the stinging kind....a swarm of angry ground wasp (probably yellow jackets) decide to attack me. So much for the fun part of the hike.

Date:   8/14/10
Trail Section:   Max Patch - Lemon Gap
Distance:   6.2 Miles

After a nice climb to the top of Max Patch, it is a pretty and gentle decent into Lemon Gap. Max Patch is a bald that was a farm in the early 1900’s.  It has since became a part of the AT and is kept from being overgrown. It is known as the jewel of the AT. On the patch blackberries are abundant.  We force ourselves to sample quite a few. No excitement today.

Date:   8/15/10
Trail Section:   Garenflo Gap - Rock Springs
Distance:   6.4 Miles

This is the last day that Tom and Ted will be hiking with us. It is just a wonderful hike.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are hard at work. I just finished my 32 mile, 3 day backpack in the Tetons. Makes me appreciate what you & Richard did and are still doing. That is extremely hard work expecially for 2 old men. HA!!!! Keep at it. You are almost inspiring me. If I do anything, it will be the PCT though. They don't talk with a funny accent over here. There is a reason they made Deliverance on the Eastern side of the US. Tom I
